Wheel performance upgrade for under $300
Anyone interested in making an improvement in wheel weight and rolling performance should seriously consider this cost effective option. I have noticed a significant improvement in my riding both hill climbing and on rolling to flat terrain as a result of the following changes.
Step 1 – Tubilito tubes at $54 NZD they were expensive as far as tubes go however when I consider that it has reduced the overall weight of my wheelset by 150 grams is seems like very good value indeed. I needed the 80mm tubes to go with my 55mm front and 65mm rear wheels
Step 2 – Ceramic wheel bearing replacement. For approx $190 NZD including shipping I was able to replace all 6 bearings in the front, rear and free hub body. The bearings are the Ceramic Nitride Pro Series from ACER racing in California. I’ve had them in for a couple of rides now and definitely feel the reduction in effort required to keep rolling at the whatever speed our group is rolling at

If anyone is interested to learn more or wants to discuss making such an upgrade then contact me
Cheers Mark Erikson – Grey Lynn Cycle Club – Service Centre