Why aren’t Auckland cyclists racing anymore?

With Summer nearly upon us it should be a good reason for Auckland cyclists to start racing, and getting fit. Yet, for some reason Auckland cyclists have lost their appetite for racing. Their failure to support the sport leaves Counties Manakau Cycling (CMC) on the brink of not being able to offer a race calendar.
Auckland has a population of close to 1.7 million people, yet it fails to find 50 riders to race on most weekends. Cycling has never been more popular, and race bikes have never been so fast, yet CMC fails to get 50 riders interested in racing. So what is the reason? What is the problem with racing in Auckland? What inhibits/prohibits riders entering CMC races?
Certainly from my perspective, now being the father of an 18 year old, my time has been freed up. So I can find time to race, when at all possible. But, and it’s a big but, I don’t see any cyclists help promote CMC races. They post across all social media platforms, but their engagement is low.
Where are the bike shops helping promote CMC races? Bike shops love taking money for selling new race bikes, and servicing them, yet I can’t remember the last time I saw one advertise a race. Their employees should also help share race details, as it helps keep them employed. Has apathy become so deeply ingrained that they can’t be bothered helping the last remaining racing club in Auckland? What of our future generations? For if we lose CMC racing, other than the track races, the kids will have no races close to home.
So, if you have an opinion, know how to remedy the situation, or want to help, please leave a comment, either with us, or CMC directly.
Here are some links for CMC racing.
Calendar of racing: https://www.webscorer.com/72596
CMC website: https://www.cmcycling.co.nz
CMC Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CMCCycling
CMC Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/cmccycling/